eLibraries Manitoba

Enjoy immediately or transfer to your iPod, eBook reader and other compatible devices.

Browse, Check Out, Download eBooks & Audiobooks

Click on the link below to connect to elm.lib.overdrive.com

eLibraries Manitoba

For those who want to use eLibraries Manitoba on your mobile devices  go to your App Store on your device and download the Overdrive : eBooks & Audiobooks App  and/or Libby, by OverDrive App.


The program is driven by membership in a library.

Login with your 14 digit  Library Membership number ; Password is your first name , in lower case, connected to the membership. Make sure your membership is current or ask your library staff to update your membership.

It is important for new users to read all the information found by clicking on New ELM User.  This provides information on the types of software needed and the compatibility of equipment, as well as an overview of the process of downloading an Ebook or Audio Book.

Copyright information is supplied at the bottom of the ELibraries Manitoba homepage.